Sunday, November 2, 2008

Grades....why I give it my all.

I wish that I would have tried as hard to get good grades in high school as I have in college. its so mind blowing to me. I guess I just never put my full potential out there and kind of just got by with whatever I got. Now that I am in college, its totally different. Why is that? Well for one, I am paying to take the classes so if I fail its coming out of my pocket and for two, I am the adult now and I realize how important it is to get those good grades. Believe me I am no where near perfect, I have taken a class or two twice, and I not only learned more than the first time around but I also realized that if you don't put your all into it than you only get back what you put forth, so I always try my hardest, because I know that I am going to get back what I put into it, and I want that good grade. Don't we all?

1 comment:

Thomas Davis said...

I think a lot of it has to do with a limited understanding of opportunities and the gifts and privileges that we have. I believe that this is a common thread for most youths. I was amazed at the amount of apathy found in school classrooms on the high school level. And those that had passion, had such a limited understanding of what opportunities there were. Yes, part of was my job as an educator was to help them see their options, but man, where were the parents on that one? Can parents truly impart wisdom anymore? Do kids want to hear it? Who do kids listen to?