Wednesday, November 19, 2008

second thoughts?

I have only taken the classes needed to get into the nursing program thus far, that is until this class. I took this class because in the course description it sounded super interesting, and I have to admit that it has captured my interest and made me sort of re-think what I am actually attending college for.

I have not actually applied to my program yet, and now after taking this class am wondering if I would prefer this? I like every aspect of it, even the papers. The first couple of assignments had me a little curious and now I look forward to what the next weeks assignment will bring and if it will be challenging to me. I love to blog, and this weeks assignment with the wiki is totally new to me but all the more interesting and cool it will be.

Is it possible to like both, I mean nursing and digital media design are very distant in the job aspects ya know?! I could always pursue the nursing career and keep taking these classes on the side to see if they are all interesting to me or if its just this one class in particular that has captured my interest and left me wondering what's coming next. Who knows where I will go from here, but this course has definitely left an impression on me and left me wondering if I am interested in the right plan of study.

I know that whatever I choose my family will be there to back me 100% which is one thing that I could not live without, they are a huge part of my future educational decisions.


Zachariah E Biggs said...

How cool is it to discover something new that interests you? That's pretty lucky right? Except for that whole putting doubts in your head thing. I agree, this is a very interesting class. I really wasn't sure what to expect from this, but I knew that with Bill as the teacher it would be both challenging and informative while being entertaining. I must say that I've learned a lot about the internet and the web through this course. Never was much of a blogger, but I'm really enjoying this. Never knew what a Wiki was, but I'm really enjoying working on ours.

I can relate to you saying that you are much more interested in this line of study now because of this course. I was only mildly interested in web design before this class, but now I can't wait to be able to take more classes on the subject, and hopefully make a career out of it.

My wife just recently finished her LPN to RN transition program through COTC. Actually she just took her NCLEX exam today. Anyway, she loves the field of nursing and doesn't regret her decision at all. I'm sure you've put a lot of thought into your decision to enter nursing and are pretty sure it's what you want, but you never know where life will take you.

I hope you can figure it out without too much stress. I definitely think you should continue to take the DMD courses if they continue to interest you. Good luck in whatever you decide.

Thomas Davis said...

None of the roads we take in life are one way. This course is definitely interesting. It's shedding light on something that we tend to take for granted. To many the Web just exists. It's truly awesome. I think testing a few other classes while continuing the nursing program is a good call if you can handle the load. As a personal note, the Web is great, but nursing is a great profession too. My wife is a nurse and I admire her successes, ability to reassure and treat people, and her knowledge of the human body. Fascinating.

b-rent said...

I think that its great that you have sparked an intrest for the program. From what i have heard and seen it just gets better. Try taking a class called digital fundamentals. It is a crash course in design programs and you will know weather or not it's for you.

AllenP said...

I think that everyone should pursue their loves and interests. You will benefit from everyday life to professional technicalities. I believe that in the near future the nursing/web designing career will be in full force. There are still many Hospitals that are behind in the Web/computer world. I think that we could help many people with disabilities through the Web. My mother is a lab supervisor and seeing them work with an old-fashioned terminal system puts me in awe.