Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A digital native, myself

I was born after 1980 so I guess that makes me a digital native. I do not feel like one though, I think I was in 8th or 9th grade before I even got my hands on a computer. My school did not have a whole lote of computers or education about them so there really were not any until later into middle and high school. I try to show my kids things on the computer and online just so that they are more aware of the things that they can do and of the things out there. They are still young enough to want their mom to show them things and to learn the dangers of the internet and the great and positive things about it without pushing me or the info I give them to the side. I use a computer everyday, not just for school but for email and chatting, and during the holidays for shopping. In this aspect I do feel more of a digital native I guess. There is still a lot of information and eduacation about computers that I do not know, but thats the fun part right? I love to learn new things especially about computers since they are such a big part of our everyday lives now.

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