Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 changed how everyone uses the web nowadays! Look at MySpace and FaceBook - which is not only a social connection, but gets you closer the the six-degrees from anyone!! So many people use these sites everyday - and what better way to show your life to someone than on the Internet?? Write a book? How many people actually read a paper book anymore when you can read it online?!?!?!? Web 2.0 has changed communication in the world! I am a perfect example of using Web 2.0 to send an email to someone rather than calling them. LET ALONE: YOU CAN ACTUALLY CALL SOMEONE THROUGH YOUR COMPUTER NOW!!!! I don't even have to pick up my phone!

It is crazy to someone like my mom, who never thought the Internet would become this popular or accessible to everyone and everything!

1 comment:

Thomas Davis said...


A couple things. I think showing someone my life would actually be easier face to face. Maybe not easier, but perhaps more accurate and thorough.

And as far as reading a book. Although many do not like to read books, I think the same would translate for reading one online. I think it's fair to say that most who enjoy reading, do so excitedly with a text in their hand. I do. I would actually hate reading a whole book online. Where can I make my annotations? How could I flip quickly to a specific section? How could I read it in the hills of WV on my dad's old property. I just don't see it being comparable...yet.