Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Learning with Web 2.0

Web 2.0 has helped me with research and finding information for my classes at Central Ohio Technical College. Sometimes I can find a specific answer to a question by scanning through a blog or wiki. I never realized the potential Web 2.0 had on my learning experience. Assignments we've done have helped my understanding of the Web tremendously. For me, it has reduced the time it takes to find information.

Understanding a concept gives one greater confidence. With this class coming to and end I feel that every bit of information learned will be applied to future tasks with work in Web Design, especially when it comes to working with clients. If a client has a question that you can answer on the spot, it looks more professional.


Thomas Davis said...

I like this sentence: "Understanding a concept gives one greater confidence." I also like to believe that understanding a concept makes us smarter too. I don't mean to sound pompous. But seriously, so many people are able to understand a concept but lack the ability or energy to let it influence or be a part of them. Make sense?

I also feel like the content covered in this class has done much more than informing us of the history of the web. I think we learned a lot about human behavior. Something, however, I think that should have been covered is the battle between a Web of fortune versus filth. The Web has a seedy underside that is brushed under the cultural rug, but it seems to worsen as people try to ignore it. Anyway...tangent.

jeslynallen said...

I agree with you! Web 2.0 opened up doors for everyone - but think about this: What will the internet be when our kids are our age?! It is crazy to think about it because this class taught us that the internet became in mid 1990's - so in another 20 to 30 years . . . will our grandkids start attending classes online only? No more physical schools? What about communication!?!?

The possibilities are endless!!!