Saturday, November 7, 2009

Digital communication is important to me. I have physically drifted far from most of my personal relationships and several different online media collections make it possible to stay close. Beyond the obvious personal sites, I also like to get involved in the forums for beta software and games. I use them to gather information for problems as well as ideas. Video sites like and my personal favorite lyric site allow users to post directly on page about mainstream shows and music.

I generally do not keep one media over another as I tend to just want to learn what I am interested at the time. However, a photographer I learned of from my photographer class has been bookmarked and on my favorite bar. Besides having a charmingly dry humor like myself, Joe McNally gives amazing tips and even has projects with prizes to people who enter their own photographs to be judged. He created a community just based on his personal interest and tips to aspiring photographers, certainly a fantastic use of Web 2.0!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about drifting away from people, there are a few close friends of mine that I communicate with through Facebook that have moved away.

Hulu is also one of my personal favorite sites, but there still seem to be problems companies have with them for some reason. I remember the whole Boxee debacle, when they allowed Hulu to be streamed through DVR boxes. Unfortunately, they ended up removing Hulu from them. Even Apple, which won't allow Flash content on the iPod Touch, seems to have it out for Hulu. From what I understand, they won't allow any application to stream Hulu content through the App Store.