Monday, October 27, 2008

The Importance of my eduacation

I have often times been asked this question, by my brothers and of my sister (all who by the way never finished high school). Why is it that I out of four children chose to be the one to take the ball if you will and run with it? Why is college such a good thing? All very good and very important questions.

The response is simple, I want more.... I want things to be different for my kids and for me. I can be anything that I want to be, and well if it takes me years upon years to complete this task, then I will have done so knowing that I took the risk, and I made it for my kids and for myself. Sometimes I wonder if they resent me in some ways because I finished high school, I have a life that they chose not to experience, and because I will have a college degree that I earned and that I definitely worked hard for.

Why is college a good thing, what's the best part? Well, that to is simple... college is a good thing because it allows me to not only learn knowledgeable material to which I will use later, but to have an experience all in its own. I feel like I have came so far, and hope that my kids will take the initiative as well, to further their education.


Roger said...

I can relate to your post in that I come from a family of tradesmen, where if you don't know how to swing a hammer, saw some wood, or weld some metal you're a sissy. Although I love my family they are so out of touch these days as to what I am trying to achieve. I too don't really know what I am trying to achieve but at least I know I don't want to weld anymore. You are laying the foundation for your children which is an exciting concept considering that each generation is typically one percent smarter than the last. I have two daughters 11 and 12 and I am constantly trying to teach them new ideas. What I want from them more than anything is to think for themselves. At the same time they teach me so many things I have forgotten along the way of growing up, it humbles me. What I am getting at in a long drawn out way is that Your kids will take the initiative to do well, because you are leading by example, and at the same time they will teach you things you never expected.

b-rent said...

Your motivation and intentions are very strong and genuine. Don't worry about what you brothers and sisters think, worry about YOU. They are not the ones who have to deal with your "self happiness", just you. It really sounds to me like they are just jealous. Jealous that they didn't have enough strength and sense to finish something tough.

As long as you are happy with yourself, they should be happy for you.