Thursday, October 22, 2009

Online Experiences to This Point

As far as this course is concerned, it is a very positive experience for me. In the past 5 weeks, I have learned more about the Internet and the Web than I thought I ever would. There have been discussions here that have really made me think, especially the moral dilemmas concerning Net Neutrality. The only gripe I have about the course is the blog on Angel Learning, and how it seems to have little to no structure whatsoever. Other than that, things have been very smooth as far as discussions and assignments.

Even though there is a lack of face-to-face discussion, I don't really mind. In fact, for me it works very well. My words seem to become jumbled in some face-to-face discussions, with an online class it is easier to organize your thoughts and present them in an easy to understand way.

Some students would benefit more by having classes in a classroom, especially if it is a subject like Math or Science. I took math online last year, and it was probably the worst time I have ever had in an online class. Considering I am not a "Math Person", I should have probably reconsidered taking the class online. For these types of situations, it would be better to be in class.

I have heard recommendations about using programs like "Skype" to fix the situation about face-to-face time, but I personally think it somewhat goes against the purpose of having an online class. Some people take online classes to be able to work around their schedule, and they may not be able to join conversations at a time that is convenient for everyone else.


Matt Bowman said...

I also took the same online math course as you. I certainly had a tough time with exams. Even if I studied I did not do as well as I hoped. I was still able to do a great job on homework and quizzes. It seemed much easier to do the homework and quizzes online. They gave you a lot of great tools that made it easier for me personally.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad those tools helped you, and overall the class did teach me a lot. For some reason though, it is much easier for me to learn some concepts if I have someone there to help. This seems to apply to subjects in Math or Science for me, but in DMD subjects I can usually figure out a great deal on my own.

I think concepts taught in DMD courses are easier to understand for me, but I do not work well with advanced math. It could just be a mental hurdle, but I can understand those concepts better if I have someone to give input face-to-face.

Susan Houser said...

It’s interesting to see that each of us has a different learning style. Personally, I think I tend to learn challenging or totally unfamiliar subjects better in a classroom setting. For example, I think would have struggled more with Digital Software Fundamentals if I had taken it online. I found the Adobe software somewhat intimidating, and I think I would have felt more overwhelmed without an instructor nearby.

On the other hand, some of you may find it easier to master challenging concepts when you are alone and free from any classroom distractions. I think a lot of it depends on your personality and how comfortable you are with using computers and the Internet.

cassiewolford said...

I agree with both Matt and John in similar aspects. I find that online courses can be helpful and hindering. Helpful in ways of gathering your thoughts before you type to express yourself, instead of speaking up in class and feeling like an ass. Online you can be more comfortable making learning easier. Hindering in that face to face, one on one teaching can be more helpful in subjects like math...unless the classes were setup like Elife where learning is like Sesame Street for college students and all you have to do is watch and you learn.

Matt Bowman said...

You made a nice point Cassie. Sometimes in regular face-to-face classes I might be called on and I won't be sure what to say. But with online courses I have more time to think about what to say. That's my favorite part about online learning. I prefer to have a little more time to think about what I want to say. If we had a debate face-to-face in class I wouldn't have a lot of things to say unless I really knew the topic well. I prefer to be able to research and come up with a better answer.