Sunday, October 18, 2009

Education - 21st Century Style

I'm in grad school. That's right, at age sixty-something I'm back in school. Why? Because there's stuff I want to know, and this is a good way to make sure I allocate the time to do it. I've only been in class since the 1st of October, but I've already passed the first class and am halfway through the second. Yes, I'm moving very fast, but I have a lot of experience in allocating time and meeting deadlines. Plus I really am eager to get to my thesis. I've already been collecting journal articles for my research phase (which is yet a third and fourth course), and I'm working on the problem statement.

What has been your own experience so far in online learning? Are you finding it a smooth journey? Are you missing the feedback of face-to-face classes? What do you think we could do about that?

In your own blog postings, discuss with each other what your educational experiences and observations are/have been. You don't have to stick to talking about this course. Do that first, but over the next few weeks you can talk about any educational experience. Remember, though, that you'll need to comment thoughtfully on other people's posts and a "Yeah, me too" response doesn't count. Think of what else you can add to your peer's post to expand upon their story or think about how it might be different today or how you might want to change education to make that issue better.

I'll try to lead the discussion with a prompt each week, and comment myself. Feel free to comment on my own comments. And I'll see you online.


CharlieC said...

I find it interesting when someone of your "maturity" goes back to school. My wife's grandmother went back when she was in her 50's. I don't know what she majored in, but I think it had to do with her being a published author.

Anyhow, good luck and best wishes. Although I really don't think you need any luck. It sounds as if you have everything in place and squared away.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you Bill, I'm curious to hear what your thesis is about and how it is received.

I hope I never lose the need for knowing new things, and I don't think I'll have to worry about a lack of things to learn in Web Design. This field seems to move so quickly, since new standards are always being developed. I think that's why I fell in love with the DMD program, the field will never be stagnant.